On May 27, the kick-off of Project ICARUS was held.
This 27-month project falls under the topic SESAR-ER4-31-2019 – U-space to support the research of new U-space services, especially those corresponding to the advanced U3 and U4 service levels, and to explore their linked regulatory challenges.
Its main objectives are to define a universal flight altitude reference system based on a geodetic approach as opposed to the traditional barometric based system used in manned aviation. The system will be implemented through a new U-space service that will provide, at the strategic (flight planning) and tactical (flight execution), phases:
- The real-time information of vertical distance to the ground, to ensure collision avoidance, and
- Conversion of different altitude reference systems, to ensure vertical separation of traffic
The ICARUS project is a stimulating and engaging project. It aims to respond to a major challenge for the world of aviation, both manned and unmanned, and for this reason has set up a highly qualified team focused on the integration of diverse and complex technologies
The project is coordinated by eGeos S.p.A. and includes in its consortium companies and organizations with proven expertise in air traffic management, geodetics and UAS operations such as Telespazio, S.p.A., Topview, S.R.L., Droneradar, Sp. Z.O.O., EuroUSC España, S.L., EuroUSC Italia, S.R.L., Eurocontrol, Politecnico di Milano and the Università Degli Studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’.
The outcome of the project will benefit both the unmanned and manned aviation sectors by increasing safety, enhancing the integration of manned and unmanned aviation and increasing the potential capacity of the airspace, especially in congested urban scenarios.
If you are interested in ICARUS, follow on the official account on Twitter and LinkedIn to be updated on the development of the project.

This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 894593. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the SESAR JU members other than the Union.