e-GEOS, an ASI (20%) / Telespazio (80%) company, is a leading international player in the Earth Observation and Geo-Spatial Information business. e-GEOS offers a unique portfolio of application services, also thanks to the superior monitoring capabilities of COSMO-SkyMed costellation , and has acquired leading position within European Copernicus Program

DiCEA – Sapienza
DICEA, the Department of Civil, Constructional and Environmental Engineering at Sapienza, ensures scientific excellence and quality education in all branches of civil and environmental engineering, architectural design and urban planning

Drone Radar z.o.o
Droneradar Sp. z o.o was founded in 2018 to continue the development of the DroneRadar UTM system in co-operation with the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency. In 2020, PansaUTM, based on Droneradar DAMS concepts and solutions, was launched as the first certified UTM system in the world.

Eurocontrol is a pan-European, civil-military organisation dedicated to supporting European aviation

EuroUSC España, S.L.

EuroUSC Italia S.r.l.
EuroUSC Italia is a consultancy company covering all domains relevant for the civil UAS industry and drones flying under GAT rules. We are leading experts in the standardization of European Regulation, safety assessment (SORA) and Education on RPAS safety and security for Pilots and Quality Managers

Politecnico di Milano
Politecnico di Milano is an Italian technical university, offering courses in engineering, architecture and design. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA) covers many disciplines, also including Geodesy and Geomatics.

Telespazio S.p.A
Telespazio, joint venture between Leonardo (67%) and Thales (33%),is one of Europe’s leaders and world’s main players in satellite solutions and services. Telespazio has its HQ in Rome, Italy, includes e-GEOS (ASI 20%), operates worldwide and it has a wide network of space centres and teleports.

TopView S.r.l.
Is an Italian Engineering SME. Its Drones and IoT based Systems are tailored for the Industry and Service Provider companies to enhance their processes. So far TopView has joined several U-space projects as partner and advisory board member.