On Wednesday 26th January Marco Ducci, CEO of EuroUSC Italia, participated as a speaker in the conference entitled “ENAC National Strategic Plan for the development of Advanced Air Mobility. Challenges and opportunities for the aerospace industry in the Emilia-Romagna Region”. The ENAC National Strategic Plan was presented at the Luigi Ridolfi Airport in Forlì.

The presentation of the National Strategic Plan opened the discussion on AAM. After Giuseppe Silvestrini’s (President of FA) and Pierluigi Di Palma’s (President of ENAC) greetings, there were Carmela Tripaldi’s (Director of Research and Development of New Technologies and Aerospace of ENAC), Marco Ducci’s (CEO of EuroUSC Italia), Paolo Tortora’s (Director of CIRI Aerospace) and Alessandro Curti’s (CEO of Curti Industrie Meccaniche S.p.A.) interventions. Lastly, Alessio Quaranta (Director General of ENAC) closed the event.
During his intervention, Marco Ducci introduced the European research project ICARUS to demonstrate how the implementation of technologies and standards and the research support the development of the AAM.
See the full article (in Italian) on the EuroUSC Italia website.